
Paroles Come get some (featuring lil' jon) Tlc


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Come get some (featuring lil' jon)

Featuring Lil' Jon & Sean Paul)

[Lil' Jon]
We gon' start this thing off right (say what?)
We got the Dirty South in the house tonight
We gon' start this thing off right (say what?)
We got the ATL in the house tonight

We gon' start this thing off right (say what?)
We got some sexy ladies in the house tonight
We gon' start this thing off right (say what?)
We got TLC in the house tonight

Baby, if I drop it down to the ground
Then put it in your face, now what'chu gon' do?
Shorty, if I shake it then turn around
Then back it up on ya, what'chu gon' do?
If you want some, come get some
If you want some, come get some
If you want some, come get some
If you want some, shorty come & get some

Went to the club
You know I gotta kick it up
Make sure my hair looks right
Know I'm lookin' good
Wanna put my butt jeans on
Show 'em that my ass look tight
When my crew lights up
Then we start doin' our strut
Hip to the beat get some
Don't think you really want none
But if you want some get some


Girls from the South
Know how to turn the spot out
Feelin' soul what it's all about
Shake it in the club
Then take you out to the grub
Down at the Waffle House
And you can get crunk
If you know how to show your 'nuff
Can't nobody do it like us
Don't think you really want none
If you want some get some


Y'all don't know in the South
We keep the party jumpin'
From dusk to dawn we keep it crunk
We keep the masses bumpin'
Y'all don't want none
Y'all don't want none
But if you think you can hang with the A don't front
Come get some

[Sean Paul]
What's happenin', shawty?
It's Sean Paul from the East side
Wanna grab them thighs
Like some grip plies
Love the way your jeans fit
'Cause your hips wide
I know you're from the South
I can tell from your back side
I'm from the slums
Let me show you how the 'Lac rides
Money ain't a thang baby
'Specially if you act right
A young stunna but I'm sure you got your own money
The only time you see me runnin' baby if the po' comin'
Shawty lookin' good do that dance
I'm pretty sure you know I know what's in them pants
I'm a tease shawty give me a chance
And if you like it now pop it and I'll leave in advance
Oh no, shawty I don't play
I can tell from the slang you born and raised in the A
So I'm pretty sure I know where you stay
Baby, you hit me on the hip and I'll be headed your way

[Lil' Jon]
Now right about now (what's up?)
We gon' break this thing down (well break it down then)
If you know how to stomp (stomp)
We need y'all to crank it on up (let's go)
Like this (like this)

Do the A-Town stomp!
Do the A-Town stomp!
Do the A-Town stomp!
Do the A-Town stomp!

Chorus (x3)

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The 90s wouldn't have been the 90s without the crazy-sexy-cool members of TLC. If the words "divas need not apply" made it onto recruitment materials when the act formed in Atlanta in 1991, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes never noticed: her scrapes with the law and repeated threats to quit the trio caused constant public squabbles. Still, when T-Boz, Chilli, and Left Eye managed to make it into the studio, some seriously satisfying R&B materialized; the drama never stopped the world from diggin' on them.

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