
Paroles Mash for our dreams Storm


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Mash for our dreams

F/ Daz Dillinger, Young Noble

Mash for our dreams

Mash for our dreams

Mamamamamamamash for our dreams (Haha)
Mash for our dreams (Yeah)
Mamash, mash, mash, mash for our dreams (Haha)
Mash for our dreams (Yeah)
Mamamamamamamash for our dreams

Mamamash for our dreams

Mamamash for our dreams

Verse 1: [Storm]
They say I'm goin' out off my mind

Complete the potion, homicidal blindness

Gotta buck with a mission to violence

To please the silence
Hear the whispers of my fo'-five,
Disturbed from struggles,

The thuggest in us, it can never bound us

Who can I trust, don't give a fuck
I'm out to get the juice and take the bucks

Hit 'em up, with the (?) why they murder us

But when the tear drops, and the few you bleedin'
So and let go

And feel

Fuck the famous, all about the game and the deal

Cause it is me ('superextraflibberous dixtoted?) when my finger hits

The shit in every move I make

Legit with every cooler break

Concentration never broke and not a single word spoken

Until I greet 'em smokin', leave 'em chokin'
That's some wide open

Dear diary,
Forgive me Father I'm a don breed

Check me with Hail-Mary's
And pray that I wont crush my seed

Crush my bloody sequency,

Consume me with Hennesey
Cause I'ma do this to death

Until my final breath, leave me

Chorus "1": [Daz Dillinger]
Who the fuck can stop me when I mash for our dreams

Me, Noble, Daz and Storm, mamash for our dreams

Al my gangbang niggaz better mash for our dreams

Who the fuck can stop me when I mamash for our dreams

Haha, all my niggaz in jail mash for our dreams

All my essays, y'all we mash for our dreams

Who the fuck can stop me when I mash for my dreams

Mash for your dreams, nigga mash for your dreams

Verse 2: [Storm]
Ah, Hell
Another killer see from the firm g's,
Mission to be the baddest Outlaw from the baby rattle

Looking in the shadows, mind over matter

Conditions to splatter

Enemies comin' for me in battle

I raise my hand and Outlaw,
No one before has took the torch

Now motherfuckers gonna feel my wrath in war

I got some itchy finger trippin' niggers ready for war (OUTLAWZ)
We even in the score, checking out your ranks and boats

Come back and feel the force

Reckon Outlawz, like we're yours

Are you a friend or fo'
Empty your mind reveal the truth mo'
On the mash for glory, never control

Forfill my prophet's final story

Get an eye for me, ride for me

Make 'em sorry and recognize who'll die for me

It ain't over till you breathin' in me

As a blblast for the dreams

Chorus "2": [Daz Dillinger]
Mamamamamamamamash for our dreams

Haha, mamash, mash, mash, mash for our dreams

All my niggas they better mash for our dreams
Don't stop, don't quit better (mamash, mash, mash) mash for our dream

All my niggas in jail mash for our dreams (Mamamash for our dreams)

All my niggas who died mash for our dreams (Mamamash for our dreams)

Verse 3: [Young Noble]
Mash for our dreams

Peep the scene and whatever's goin' on around me

Brain kinda cloudy, smoked out with no cavi

Wont work, it's over here nigga (Over here nigga)

Make sure when you diss a motherfucker make it clear nigga

They sent me on O-U-T-LAW you

Style is straight garbage
Spittin' that nonsense

Rap packing on contact

Instantly, rhyme for rhyme

Who wanna scrimmage me

Thicker tempt then me,
You're just a saggy as a Wallabee
And obviously I'm stiff and strict with it

Bitches ride dick and say: "Got a nigga sick with it"

Stick to the real shit

Flow slower than (?)
Vicinity mixed, if he can't
It only didn't rain clear

Jock the VN for Joe Clair
Original done clock with no fear

Shout out to be the eye
Put on necks yo by Idi Amin
For green, niggas shaking, it ain't never seen my whole team

Secret to war, Outlawz rush the floor

Kill the Kadafi, thug in peace

You get caught slippin', get blood in the streets (More 4x)

Even if you're packin' yours

Lost souls perform fo'-fo's
Y-O-U-N-G, N-O-B-L-E
Mash for new streets

Slugger, eat MC's like meatloaves (Ssssshhhhhttttt)
For that they wanna blast and put a fast one in ya
Knowin' I puff, then walk around with Pac' acid in me

Get just as dirty as birth,
Or maybe ever worse son,
Stressed like niggas but no checks on the first

Mob dude told me it was gonna be days like this

The dude never told me how to get paid like this

I mash for my dreams

Chorus "3": [Daz Dillinger]
Who can stop me when I mash for our dreams
(Mamash, mash, mash, mash for our dreams)

All my new niggas alive better mash for our dreams

All my Outlaw niggas better mash for our dreams
(Mamamamamamamamash for our Dreams)
And all my gangbang niggas better mash for our dreams
Mamash, mash, mash, mash for our dreams)

Haha, Who can stop us when we mash for our dreams

Death Row brought us some life, mash for our dreams

Everywhere we go we mash on, mamamash for our dreams

Who the fuck can stop me when I'll be (When I'll be)
Mamamash for our dreams, mamamash for our dreams)

Haha, Daz Dillinger mash for our dreams
Miss Storm yo we mash for our dreams
Mamash, mash, mash, mash for our dreams)

Young Noble yo we mash for our dreams

Mash for our dreams, Mash for our dreams

Outro: [Daz Dillinger]
Yeah, who the fuck can stop us (Mash for our dreams)

Death Row in your ass (Mash for our dreams)

And every time you see us (Mamamash for our dreams)

Give us respect

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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