
Paroles My secret enemy Tlc


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My secret enemy

(appears as a bonus track on the red light special single)

Now I lay me down to sleep
That was then, but this is now
I pray the lord my soul to keep
I let you slip away somehow
If I should die before I wake
If I should die my pain shall stay
I pray the lord my soul to take
I made you what you are today

Now as I look at myself Im seein someone familiar
Starin back at me through every deep crack thats in my mirror
And as I think to myself
Im hearin somebody else scream at me (shhh....)
I no longer hear from
Could it be the unknown
Sneaking into my zone
Off we roam
My spirituals is not alone
Im visualizing this invisible clone
Its my own and its own
Rest assured its my dome
Maybe I need to go to bed
Could have sworn I just heard that voice up in my head
Nots while I raps
When it hits me (ha ha ha ha....)
But now its laughin at me
Yo what the hell is happenin
Please somebody slap me
No way not another physical display
Somethin must got me backin off from way back in tha day
But what can it be
I cant recall the memories so if I may ask

I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday
Its my fuckin past
I just seen you yesterday

By any means was all it ever seemed to be
This reminiscin with my past has got me
Caught up in a daydream
Stay in bed with niggas who can pay tha rent
Spending my green on panty hose and tight jeans
I used to be so amused
Cause the tools that I used to break rules
Only seemed to confuse as to whose bein abused
Place yourself in my shoes
My blessed look of innocence was never refused

Now that I choose to abide
Hello left eye
And put my past to the side
I dont guess i
And kill a piece of my pride
Need to introduce myself
You already said hi
Oh so your the match that lights my fuse
Huh, I thought I left you on on that cruise
You lose it
Your man took my place when it threw me in your face
So we drank up all the booze

Sing the blues
And yo we end up on the news
Sing the blues
We end up on the news
Sing the blues
We end up on the news
Sing the blues
I said we end up on the news
Sing the blues
We end up on the news
Sing the blues
And yo we end up on the news
Sing the blues
We end up on the news
Sing the blues
We end up on the news

In the news today, lisa lopes known as left eye of the group tlc was arrested again. this time for drug trafficking. miss lisa left eye lopes was seen today standing, just standing, in the midst of an undercover drug bust. at this time we do not have any information on miss left eyes penalty.

Gotta get away from the past
If I make it I just might last
Gotta get away from the past
Trynna escape it but its movin too fast

Gotta get away from the past
If I make it I just might last
Gotta get away from the past
Trynna escape it but its movin too fast.

We was walkin before most babies could crawl
Yes yes yall
Above all one foot tall
Aint no way Im takin a down fall
Im restructurin walls
Interruptin your calls
And goin straight to the source
With this nut in my balls
Every time the blind lead the blind
Another one of my kinds outta sight and outta mind
Im comin through the press
With this sense you cant mess
Im sittin in your dreams
Go ahead take a rest
Im poppin off your niggas chest
Should I be in distress?
Im niggas poppin on the scene
And they can get these
Thats my bitch
Im his bitch
What the hell do they know?
Is that so?
This same day case scenario
And I could care less
About your people and their relentlessness
Towards the eye
Say goodbye

And tell his moms to stop cryin
Go tell his moms to stop cryin
His moms to stop cryin
Go tell his moms to stop cryin

My secret enemy
You aint no friend to me
My secret enemy
You aint no friend to me
My secret enemy
You aint no friend to me
My secret enemy

For todays weather were at a record all time high in the rain season. its been raining cats and dogs here in atlanta for the 44th day. and in national sports today, andre rison of the atlanta falcons is regarded as americas sports hero, by doing what many americans has only dreamed of. this historic event of removing deon sanders tooth with a double combination hit to the mouth during sunday nights football game brought tears of joy to many americans eyes...

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The 90s wouldn't have been the 90s without the crazy-sexy-cool members of TLC. If the words "divas need not apply" made it onto recruitment materials when the act formed in Atlanta in 1991, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes never noticed: her scrapes with the law and repeated threats to quit the trio caused constant public squabbles. Still, when T-Boz, Chilli, and Left Eye managed to make it into the studio, some seriously satisfying R&B materialized; the drama never stopped the world from diggin' on them.

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