Busta Rhymes

Paroles The international zone coaster Busta Rhymes


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The international zone coaster

[busta rhymes]
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh
Its a sunny day and the sky is bright
Take her to the mist everything is right
No need to make bets cause I met a bookie
Today is the day the whole school plays hookie
Why? cause I called dinco d and brown
Cutmonitor milo brings the sound
Before I do that I play myself like a jerk
Make sure momma jamma took her body to work
Okay she is gone so I jet to the phone
Let the whole world know nobodys home
Its busta rhymes and Im feeling irie
Come on over cause Im having a party
Milo did the right thing and brought the ride
The sounds too pissed now the partys live
Tickets in effect, everythings sweet
As I zoned in my bus, all I had to say is that beat
That beat, just keep the same old beat
Check it out yall, come on, come on
Just keep the same old beat

[dinco d]
On the fourth day of school, hookie wasnt here
Todays the first day of a brand new year
Theres girls thats rubbing butts around the room
Fellas feeling good cause the gates is boom
Zoom to the doom of a sugarplum toon
Me, busta, and brown is gonna rock the mic soon
With a huh! here we go in june
Power cat with the snap in the rules
Throw a misses out, this is all street news
You choose, dont lose a views
Prices move in like cruise a bruise
Stacked on a four pack stack of freaks
I guess Ill play hookie for a couple of weeks

[charlie brown]
Six a.m. and I hear my alarm
Rushed to the phone, I called vietnam
Hes asleep so I leave a message
At the tone, you know time is of essence
Quickly I jumped straight into the shower
The baby powder, cause I cant smell sour
Get dressed, put on my nike airs
Come my hairs, go upstairs
Walk outside to the fruit stand
And dre, kane, hes the 40s in hand
Powercat geronimo is in the distance
The fifths are coming, the fifths are coming
Hit up, lit up the blunt and Im straight
Quarter to eight and my day looks great
Walked to the school with about 40 feet
That means the squad is 20 deep
I zoned

Zone coaster (the international...) (repeat 6x)

[busta rhymes]
Finally by now the whole crews in the house
Brown just came and hes roaming about
Music just started, yo where is milo?
Got a chicken in the room and hes trying to hide, yo
Next is my man (who? ) gary gennew
Half of the mob and a case of brew
Rumpletilz with the diggum smacks
A get through the door with the cracker jacks
Classic from medina cold looking very hard
Next to the door came the yardman scard
Into my crib to find the inchie at last
Kallie any crew with my boy shabazz
Shake it time iller to settle the score
Then powercat through the locks on the door
Bugging at the jam like Im cyclone
Now an hour to seven come to find out that Im zoning
Huh, check it out, yeah

[dinco d]
No school' cool
Ill just fool around off school grounds
Too many kids doing bids in detention
Im just chilling, what is this they mention?
L.o.n.s. to the set, look he has a gun
91 is fun, lots of baked buns
Prepare the wine to a reggae cut
Not (not) not (not) who (what) whatà?
Mom, a bomb, sound the alarm
Leave the dance before she causes some harm
I go out the backdoor with a hard bone
Look at the clock and then I start to zone

[charlie brown]
Got to the hive, no one was there
Truant officers began to stare
Called dinco d but hes not home
Drop another quarter into the phone
Call busta rhymes, whats up my man?
(having a party, understand' )
Wheres dinco d, you know, the d'
(heres the phone) (sup c.b.? )
Im coming (hurry up, hurry up!)
Milo started throwing on all the cuts
Walking to the crib and I heard hello
Turned, it was epitome and shemello
Told them the scoop and I kept stepping
Almost had to stop and I started sweating
Rob pulls up, he says come on get in
Place was packed with stupid skins
Got to bustas crib and grabbed a 40
Cracker jacks habit, naughty naughty
Grabbed the gold tone microphone
Woke up saturday, I zoned

Zone coaster (the international...) (repeat 16x)

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