Action Bronson

Paroles 9.24.13 Action Bronson


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Cars are greasy
Make your favorite OGs on CBS

Uh, waxy
Smoking that Barbara Walter's wax
Same fucking outfit twenty days in a row
I don't give a shit!

You only came around cause you thought I had some money for you
You got it fucked up, that's for the kids!
And if there's anything left I'll cop a crib
And if there's anything left after that I'll cop a six.
How you think I got the art displayed on the dinner plates?
First course was from the Finger Lakes,
Last course cinnamon ginger cake.
She gave me head during the Lakers game
I got her tied up, trying to erase her name
No, I caught her cheating,
Her pussy didn't feel the same,
She was probably with one of the Broncos,
Or LeBron so I blew her car up
Soon as she try to start it up, nah
I can't talk about that though, uh!
Your chance is thin like the moustache of Puerto Ricans
Shooting guns with my daughter on the weekend
Smoke the ' same color as The Weeknd
Stashed under the sole of the sneaker
Fuck, fuck man, you're stashed under the sole of the sneaker
Smoke the' same color as The Weeknd, uh!

I told the driver,
'Lenny, swing me by the garden, I gotta talk to Pat!'
Hit him with stacks
Showed him the gap
Like you gonna miss the finger
Al right, fuck!
I told the driver,
'Lenny, swing me by the garden, I gotta talk to Pat!'
Showed him some stacks
Then showed him the gat like
You gonna miss the finger roll right
Yes, Mr. Baklava!
Then I cart wheeled into a aqua car
Shit! It's too crazy right?
Yo, it's just fucking nuts!
We just talking crazy at this point
I told the driver,
'Lenny, swing me by the garden, I gotta talk to Pat!'
Showed him some stacks
Then showed him the gat like
You gonna miss the finger roll right
Yes, Mr. Baklava!
Then I cart wheeled in an aqua car

Now I'm, sliding
Maya boy is made it no more, crying!
The facial reminiscent of a lion
Fuck around I'll send you back to Zion!
And I ain't even trying
Swing the wood wheel and lumberjacks
I remember back when they wouldn't spend a stack on my rap
Now they want to wipe my ass in the crack after I shat
And I just had corn beef hash, ew!

Yeah, it's me!
Motherfucking Big Body
I'm back for the fucking sequel, man
You know I had come and to spice this shit the fuck up
Mr. Fuckin Sazon himself
I'm over here fucking wiling
A lot of shit done motherfucking changed now
Motherfuckers done came up,
Whole lot of different motherfucking moves are being made
You know what time it motherfucking is,
So my lifestyle done changed a little bit
All types of shit!
The motherfucking crib is renovated, man
All types of fly shit
I got the new fucking marble floor, man!
That shit is imported
We just flew that shit in from Connecticut
Motherfuckers is out here spinning stupid shit
But you know me, man
Same motherfucking body
I'm out here whiling like I never changed, man!
Is the same motherfucker you know me, man
98, doing stick-ups with the screw-driver
It's me, man! The last car on the fucking A train man
I fucking live this shit!
Done came up, pockets was always '
Sometimes a little low but I get them back up, man
Fill them up like the fucking gas tank
God, man!
Shout-outs to my fucking brother, man,
Action Bronson, man
We out here, man!
We motherfucking out here, man
Not enough to say, man
But a motherfucking few more things that's what to say
Shit is fucking crazy, man
I'm out here smoking good, man
Fucking pocket, fucking stupid,
Fucking blunt pack with that up-town '
Shouts to all my motherfucking Dominicans out there in the Heights
All of that, 172, 174, whiling
You already know, man
Nah, I don't even want a motherfucking ounce, B
Give me motherfucking 40 dimes
That's how I want it!
In a brown fucking bag
Yeah 'papi, that's how we doing it, big fucking style, man
And I want that Chimi sauce dripping all over my fucking arm
That's how I do it, man
Wipe it with the fucking hundred dollar bill
I'm out here whiling, man!
My name Big Fucking Body, man
Shouts to motherfucking Albania,
Shouts to East New York,
Shouts to Lindenwold,
Shouts to motherfucking Flushing
Shouts to the motherfucking Bronx, man
All fucking day I'm out here wiling, man
Eagles up!

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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