Busta Rhymes

Paroles E.L.E. 2 intro Busta Rhymes


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E.L.E. 2 intro

Currently on Extinction Level Event 2
Genesis Chapter eleven, verses one through nine
Thousands of years before Christ
Tyrant Nimrod, Gilgamesh of Shinar, enslaved the first empire
One world language, one world religion, one world order
We have learned nothing (One)
Making the keys to heaven a gift to the devil
Those who desire to supplant God
Illuminati who tempt and horrify us as the most perfect angel Lucifer
Seek to rebirth a new world order upon the flesh, blood, and bones of all humanity
Again, towers rose skyward to challenge his divine glory
To conquer his serene domain
As in ancient Babylon, the one true Lord brought them down
In 2001, three became naught, conspiracy is reality
Fear is the weapon of thine enemy
Acts of terror a lie, told to convince the meek to surrender to their rulers
Atmospheric variances melt the polar ice caps and drown the rats who walk on two legs
An incurable virus to decimate the dark, nuclear rain to set us aflame
Obscured by a curtain of venom from space in the name of science
Fall to your knees, pray to a last choking breath
A new world order is here, arrogance over God means annihilation
Daddy, what's it gonna be like in the year 2021?
Only he can save us
This is the second coming
Extinction Level Event 2

There's only five years left, nigga
There's only five years left, nigga!
There's only two years left, nigga
There's only one day left, nigga
It's the end of the world, motherfucker
Shit, we right here with Busta Rhymes, motherfucker
The baddest, the biggest
He been doin' it for the longest, been doin' for the strongest, bitch
It's the end of the world and these are the last days
This might be— this might be the last day
And lucky you, on your last day
You gon' hear the Busta Rhymes album, you lucky bitch

Well, it's the God (Yes), no illusions
Blessings while I greet y'all in the absence of confusion
With science to spark the mind with thoughts of greater living
It gets deeper than secrets in Masonic symbolism
And I understand if you can find it extremely hard to calculate it
As dude who refer to himself as God, let me demonstrate it
If you don't get it at first, revisit it later
But in the meantime, let's examine the difference in our nature
As in lovin' or hateful, patriotic or rebel
Positive and negative, or in God and the devil
It's been debated for years, let's acknowledge the magic
While some embrace the jewel, others'll witness it as tragic
But I'm addicted to exposing the truth, it's a habit
Since a youngin' using a pencil to write the mathematics
Incorporating the science while I give you the classics
While some'll find it strange and resort to measures that's drastic
I articulate with clarity, reassure when you hear this
Some identity me as cuckoo or conspiracy theorist
Some might call me crazy 'cause at times my life seems out of order
Thus possessin' answers to the total square mileage of land and water
Go get your recorder 'cause even on my worst day
When I'm lifting the weight on my shoulders, I could tell you what the Earth weigh
Let me listen to the wind so I can hear the Earth begin
The universe speak 'round the celebration of my birthday
That being said, we can stop pretendin' that I'm mental
Like all the shit we witnessed be happenin' coincidental
See, back in '98 when I dropped the first Extinction Level
I was fightin' inner demons with personal scores to settle
They put it in a movie 'cause they knew that we ain't really know
Funny how they tried to tell us 22 years ago
What deeply impacted how watchin' a flick really moved me
As the world was ending, Morgan Freeman was prez in a movie
So, let's fast-forward to 2009
Or 2012 when we left an impression on the minds
Of the people makin' sure we remember if we slightly doubted
That the world was ending and we can't really do shit about it
Damn, funny when I saw the flick, it did amuse me through
To the point that Danny Glover was prez the movie too
Then I questioned why they reiteratin' the same plot
Should we be a little para' now that they gave us Barack?
In 2020, the message I'm sending
Now that my president gone, how convenient the world has ended

I tried to warn 'em with The Seventh Seal
The world is wounded, it may never heal
Even Mother Nature's gettin' ill, it's gettin' real
When millions get killed when that deadly weather spill
Until Sodom and Gomorrah's on America's turf
The horror, it'll forever get worse
Yet and still, it's like a gift at birth then you inherit a curse
But the meek must inherit the Earth, it's Heaven's will
Meek meaning powerless in the form of politics
Giving power at the dawn of the apocalypse
And war is stronger than peace
It's poverty to the majority, a scar with the mark of the beast
So the righteous prevail to work miracles
Prepare to weather you through the unbearable and reverse the inevitable
You find you a sin, remind you of when
Back when God lived in men and that time is again
Signs of the end, read Mark chapter 13
And Daniel chapter 12, understand you wrapped in hell
Revelations show the facts as well
Then read Prophets in the Quran and ask yourself
Do you rep a nation bred for hatin'?
Judgement Day ain't far, don't get left debatin'
'Cause what they thinkin' is the end of creation
Is actually the reincarnation of Gods, the death of Satan
[Outro: Busta Rhymes & Pete Rock]
Somethin' just to think about a little bit, you know?
As I continue to bring y'all to a place where
We remind you how special it is to have
A good balance of science, and a good balance of heat
Classic shit, as I continue to give you that food
Feast on this full course meal, as I welcome you all
To "Extinction Level Event 2", easy
Whose world is this? It's mine, It's mine, It's mine
Whose world is this? It's mine, It's mine, It's mine
Whose world is this?
I believe the world belongs to the people
It has always belonged to the people
So to the powers that be
Fuck your plague and your disease and your sickness
That you have inflicted on so many lives since the beginning of time with your colonization
Fuck your systematic oppression, the systematic racist oppression
Matter of fact, fuck you
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