
Paroles Grew up in this Curren$y


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Grew up in this

Life a movie, who directin yo shit?
That's low budget, mine's a Tarantino flic
Block buster, I do my own stunts in this bitch
Shout out to stunna, New Orleans niggas up in this shit
No frontin, all my niggas really wit it
Full frontline hustling, rappin got me on the two
My homies been on TV for that other shit
News at 6, nigga, grizzly discover it
Body seems local, let the dog team recover it
They can't release his name til they notify the family
While the killer getting dressed for the club like ain't nothing happened

I grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit
Grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit
I grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit

It's that 31st shit right'chea my niggaUh

Aye fuck a bitch, I'd rather keep a burner by my side
I'm from the south side, that's just how we ride
My man got shot, that shit slowed em down
My nigga even turned muslim, now he pray to Alah
My nigga don't eat no pork but still smoke that pot
So every time he see me he like light that fire
And meanwhile I'm tryina get us off this hot ass block
We just two peas in a pod tryin to get a peace of mind
Bang bang, that's the shit I heard like all of the time
I'm talkin every day have fiends fallin in line
Today could be my last day but that's all part of the grind
But that ain't part of my plan, I plan to stay on my job
I had to get it since I wasn't born wit it
I see the big pic, I'm thinkin long term nigga
But they had drugs in that bitch, I grew up on that shit
Guess I'm made for that shit, I got paid off that shit

I grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit
Grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit

Gangsta Gibbs baby
Gangsta Gibbs baby

Uh yea yea
I drive every car that you dream about
And every bitch that you wishin for leave her leakin out
Fresh out of that place like they scared to see what they read about
It ain't no sleep on Virginia street when them niggas outside
Walk servin the walkin dead
Got meet me up the block cus my mama stay on my head
Tellin me to go get a job but I'm choppin the rock instead
If I make it up to the top will I pop and jump off the ledge?
Confessions of Gangsta Gibbs nigga, thug life
I'd trade this shit for wife and kids nigga
Real nigga, fuck surviving, I want a grip nigga
Act a fool, I make him go night night
And catch a flight to Chi, blow some dope with my nigga Mike Mike
Bitch, I'm stuck in this shit, a million dollars up in this bitch
I made my name stay in them puckers and shit
And yea the streets again raised but the west coast paid me
Pussy niggas get home safely

I grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit
I grew up in this shit, stuck with this shit
You too pussy to fuck with this shit
But I'm in love with this shit

Michael: They want to have a meeting with me, right? Let's set the meeting. Get our informants to find out where it's going to be held. They're going to search me when I first meet them, right? So I can't have a weapon on me then. But if Clemenza can figure a way to have a weapon planted there for me, then I'll kill them both.

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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