Aesop Rock

Paroles Same space (the tugboat complex part 2) Aesop Rock


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Same space (the tugboat complex part 2)

Killaz reflect the destiny of the village
So when 20 count regrets float down futility spillage
See I'll pass the broken arrow this time for certain
Yea but from here on out its hoof the mare the bare footed urchin
Dig it in person
Now exhibit true audacity and passively hack grease into ribbons
Your excused from the roundtable admissions committee
Activist legends turned hostage in fallen cities
Dirty earthlings circling vision immaculate
Spin me dizzy in a crosswalk
My too far gone mastodon senses inspect relentless
For fitted boogie systems and crook addictions
Well sure my crown is formed of thorns
Yea but my thorns are formed of sound
And I have found sound will keep me warm
When the mornings born with frozen ground
Put a rope down pull me from where the buzzards cleared
I mean from the bones you and your little badass mad max musketeers
When the silhoettes of emaciated frames dance on a highwire
Mistook for aspiring third world poster children
But is inserted ghost with dealin
Dead to administer links like chief then whats your forte
Devil dragger in disguise seeking the match made in your eyes
Friend it don't take the wise this minute triplicate pace unified
I don't condone the blasphemy naturally its procreation
From the floods, to the fires, to the droughts, to the cyclones
Tidal waves, the twisters, tornadoes, and hell stones
Whirlwinds, tropical storms, blizzards and monsoons
All of which I witnessed prior to waking up inside my room
Look at the crook as I panic episode tantrums
Fuck hugging my cool
The edginess readies the mock knock quick draw hence the duel
The company of similars couldn't excite the motor
But hermit crab Ace home alone-uh
One barrel of idioms and charcoal stick, courage under desire
Canopy draped beautiful messiah reluctant
Stuck in the pluck in the haul buzzing the fuzzing televison mixer
Book of saturated matches and a half-made bed
Pick of the litter, litter of the pick
Pack leader will huff cannibal fumes, mechanical zoom
There's ample room
Stowaways inside the cargo bed
Said leech prior to firing up his barnacle magnet
Instincts leashing himself to where the wind splitting ice storms
And termite swarms are commonplace
I'm a trace this silver lining winding round the profit chase
I know there is good in you if one peels back the opulence
But I also know its ratio the bad don't feed my confidence
The nutrients will be intense circle
The clues units of success being personal
Then sucked basic diversion
Rusty anchor budget for nothing
Wedged between aesop rock and a scarred face of frustrated fuck yous Bound by concern
I can't believe I'm still concerned
I can't believe side children turn in their sleep over one-liners
Well I yield to hear your burns
Color me out of my skull draggin a wagon of creature features
And all I ever wanted was to aggravate the sleepers
Look self-crafted heroics murder worthless
Crash test ideologies, catalog alien doctrines type disturbance
Got em out, killing machines turn belly up
Buckled, the troubles I've seen
Coax twenty four sevens of wide eyes from day dreamers
Clean or dirty serpents in turn wish preference for the latter
Justified the germs burn cauterize the gashes after
On my left, one finger for each burrough I can touch
On my right, one finger for each time that I wake up midsummer night
Who's cloaked in a pristine mantle of hellfire
But A-capital glaciers out the east slide lateral
Born for one task indeed
To spoil the citizen kane emote self this ugly duckling seed
Look I aint too attired of draggin the baggage over the seasaw seeds
When the reapers turns mortals to caspers
See the plain and stone conjurable can't mimmick the null
Of a billion troops holding matchsticks to empty cannons
Stand of a many moons when the sun hit the mountainside splendidly
Bask in the last warmth that be known to man's tangents
In the wink of an innocent starchild's eyelid drop he vanished
Managed to carve initials in the granite wall the damned it all up
I hung with cats that do the donts
Cats that forage through the moats
Hoping they open with soveriegnty and a cantine deemed with prodigies
I love the wake, the watch, the walk, the work
The well its almost six o'clock
I've never seen so many tugboats miss the dock (watch)

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