Guerilla Maab

Paroles Speak on it Guerilla Maab


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Speak on it

Good Lord, I wanna thank you
For waking me up, to see another
New day, I've never seen before
Forgive me for my sins, for they
Be where I thought of deed, a mission
A cold mission, Lord please bless me
With the blessings you say
I stand in need of, when I've done everything
On this earth, that you laid out for me to do
Lord please bless me with a home
Somewhere in your kingdom
Even the loss of the alone
In Jesus name I pray, amen

Seem like the light is so close
I can feel my soul, about to vacate
Make me wonder, am I right for God
Cause I don't wanna get denied, at the pearly gate
Even though I been cut throat, tripping off PCP
Telling all my friends, to take a hike
But it's fucked up, thinking bout tapes
From other niggaz, when they on pot they can break the mic
No time for pussy, I gotta pump packs in the projects
Plus I gotta pimp the pen, if I wanna get paid
I can't feel sorry gotta do the deed, and get up in the wind
Gotta get some dividends, and if I don't die
I'ma seek forgiveness of my sins, and if I get denied
Even though I tried, I'ma burn for the rest of the devil me
But the Lord gon give it, and the Lord gon take it
Away, so I can't trip on my life
It was my time to go, somebody take care of my child
And raise him up right, plus these niggaz be living so shife
I don't want my seed, to get corrupted
Give him so much game, when I die
He gon live as if the lessons, ain't interrupted
Just to show how fucked up, the game can get
Big Steve, money came up missing
I was up in the car, so I'm a suspect of the crime
But a nigga ain't tripping, all I can say is that I'm a G
And I just won't touch it, unless I own it
Wish I could tell Steve, that I'm still on my grind
For mine, so I'ma bleed the block if I want it

Can't believe it
I'm gon have to ride tonight
Roll on, roll on
Holding plexes, pulling pistols
They play with your life
Roll on roll on, or get stoled on

Evilness without the sin, let him cast the first stone
But unless your father, can make the wind blow
When I see a check, please leave me alone
Because I never asked nobody, for nothing
I just accepted, what I was given
Even though I'm po', I pray to let God know
That I'm thankful to be still living, yeah I'd rather be a slave in heaven
Than to be, the most comfortable cat in hell
But I'm too good for one, and too bad for one
So I'm between the two, I gotta sell
Living on lock, familiar with songs and proverbs
When the ways of the world, start to trip
When I can't take it, I smoke too much
That explains, that black shit around a nigga lip
The Lord is my light, and my salvation
But I still slip away, with natural herbs
I don't be smoking weed, to look cool fool
I got a problem, I do it to calm my nerves
Now the preacher, wanna see me on Sunday
But knowing I'ma bleed the block, first thang come Monday
I don't go, cause another no show
Said I'll fuck around and die, when I walk in the do'
Never go be talking about a nigga, behind his back
I'ma do it to him in his face, hoe checking a bitch
About what he might of said a few days ago, talking down in a safe place
But it ain't safe, for the presence of a god damn fool
That'll squeeze, and make a motherfucker blood come down
Heavily armed, with an automatic round
When I frown, it ain't real cool to stick around
Plus I found, that a relationship ain't shit
When I was fucking, with one of these hoes
She done fucked it up, for the rest of the women
Cause I ain't trying to fuck, with none of these hoes
Some of my partnas, that'd turn to foes
That'd turn to struggling, from balling
But I'm crooked as ever, but the world is so crooked
I hope that God, ain't tired of me calling


Now if I said, that I'd rather be dead
Instead of going through, the struggle and the pain
Here to make logical sense, but when I get in a predicament
I still be trying, to maintain
Don't wanna lose my life, I wanna choose to live my life right
But it's hard to decide, like a devil in disguise
That be pulling a bull up over my eyes
And trying to get me, to swallow my pride
But I be ready to ride, and won't be denied
Even if I died, motherfuckers know I tried
To keep a bullet out of that body, I cried
Everytime I put it inside, to make another nigga cap-size
But if somebody, wanna put me under the ground
Somebody better have a good plan
I'm a man, that'll be ready to break a bastard off
But I don't wanna die, living in a casket why did a
Bitch wanna set my partna up, cause it really got up under my skin
But I ain't tripping, when a nigga feeling with
One up in the chamber, just to get a little bit of revenge
I can't even keep a girlfriend, everybody be fucking with me
And got my name, in a negative whirlwind
I be ready for the trumpet to blow, and even if I don't get to go
I still, wanna see the world end
Cause I be tired, of feeling this anger
Feeling the permission of danger, with every breath
I be tired of watching my back, and packing a gat
And living 24-7, up in a motherfucking vest
God bless me, cause everybody wanna test me
So I don't even talk, on my Prime Co. phone
Leave a message, and press three

[Hook x2]

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Guerilla Maab is a group. Their discography includes Resurrected, Rise, Year of the Underdawgs, Hitz and In the Mist of Guerillas. The band has had members Dougie D, Trae and Z-RO. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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