
Paroles Strugglin' Grits


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[feat. Knowdaverbs, Enormous, and Jason Eskridge]

Realise it's not against the flesh
It is war against spiritual darkness and principalities
Attaining these scars from inner battling
Warrin' with the enemy, abstaining from his wickedness

Notice, I hassle with, I wrestle with anxiety
Knowing that certain things I can't change about society
So I put this in my diary, which I keep hid' inside of me
I'm silent empty handed
'Cause that life is not the way that I planned it
Lost my mom and dad left me stranded
So I pained it
Felt abandoned even though my gran' was handed all the hurt
'N' felt like I was just a burden
Closed the curtain I was naked
Started smokin' and drinkin', tryin' to maintain restraint
I used to think that maybe Jane would ease the pain
And lead the brain from wonderin' about the rain that was thunderin'
'Till I was bumblin', stumblin' with the beast,
Grumblin', stumblin' with the beast, rumblin'
I was stumblin' with the beast rumblin'

Yeah I saw you in adolescence feeling depressed
Reflecting the evidence of stress, rejection and disrespect by your facial expression
Deconcerning be erected for your mental state of being in the situation so pressing
Distress was strongly spoken in the voice of your eyes
A wounded soldier was the vision incision with in my mind
Even if I was blind I felt your spirit like a 'graver's impression upon my soul
For the ministry of salvation
The circumstance you face is not designed to be complacent in
God works in mysterious ways and times and most serious days
Give your life to him and trust in his spirit
Who'll be your guide and send his angels surround you and battle when holy align

I will give to win the battle
I will give to win the battle

Realise it's not against the flesh
It is war against spiritual darkness and principalities
Attaining these scars from inner battling
Warrin' with the enemy, abstaining from his wickedness

Super scientifical creature from darkest caverns
Burning tables turning, darker clothes moe's tavern
With a slew of archaic relics that penetrate 'n' tell us
'N' Stop stop, bomb shells from preachers who bin releases
My deeses is pieces of puzzles formulate bigger picture
With description underneath informing who did the artwork
J-E-S, you know the rest though it's for most you can't attest
Blowing up any mines that frame of ours cannot withstand yet
And what I see's some isletians some halfwit child, some of it gleams
No longer hide and slew the shackles their lives finished to live with jackals
Choose my flows but feel the blows
The Lord the shock or be the doe
By the bound don't hit the ground
And that's profound see y'all around

I like to, like to, like to offer just a bit of advice
If ya spot superman on the block don't pick a fight
'N' if ya want to cross o'er never challenge intervention
If ya wrestle with God ya bring a quest for ya hist.
Make a request - not mine but thy will be done
Attach a conscious to examples that was left by the son
And I pray against the day when strictly fame is what I'm drinked in
And corner stones are built in I no longer put my faith in
That's my greatest fear, if I took that route
To feed the flesh until it's diesel while the spirit fizzles out
I ran from God's elections when I thought I could handle
With five nights to think in the guts of sea mammals

I will give to win the battle
I will give to win the battle

Realise it's not against the flesh
It is war against spiritual darkness and principalities
Attaining these scars from inner battling
Warrin' with the enemy, abstaining from his wickedness

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