Dj Kayslay

Paroles Who gives a...Where you from Dj Kayslay


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Who gives a...Where you from

(Featuring Three 6 Mafia/Lil Wyte/Frayser Boy)

We Some north side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some south side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some east side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some west side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some north side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some south side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some east side niggaz and we runnin this shit
We some west side niggaz and we runnin this shit

[DJ Paul]
I'm from that Memphis 10 Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that ATL hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that DC Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from That Clevland Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that nashville Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Jackson 10 Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Shi Town Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Richland VA
Who gives a fuck where you from
Now you don't want no drama boy cause we the drama kings
And you don't want no anna boy cause we the anna kings
Dont even talk about guns cause we quick to sling
And when it comes to beef boy we some burger kings
Catch you with the small 22. that I had in my bouge
Had that other hand had pulled first
but you was scared to shoot
Three 6 Mafia for 12 years
We've been getting it crunk
The kings from Memphis man riding in my Chevy Truck

[Lil Wyte]
I'm from the bay I thrown them bows
Who gives a fuck where you from
Fuck you to I be the motherfucker totin the gun
With automatic triggers Chrome handles
Red lights to keep you sighted My shit on the rising
I'm combining platinum with some diamonds
Keep the room rotating like spinners
to get you out your seat
sensation or vibration as soon as you hear the fuckin beat
Its the ones you love to hate same ones you intimidate
bring it to the fuckin floor I might respect your fucking state [bitch]

I'm from that Birmingham Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Corpres Cristy Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Miami Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Harlem Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Brooklin Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that BX Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Queens Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Statin Island Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
Raise Your Thugs Up

[Juicy J]
North North Three 6 Mafia
Three 6 Mafia Runnin thangs drankin with the drama king
Swingin from the left to the right on that purple lean
If you got a choppa in your hand than pop that
Rob on these cowards tell them D-Boys to drop that
Show up at your house disrespecting like a fucking trick
Go and get your hood little scary we can handle this
Like I told you boys juicy j is on that M-Town
Got that cheese coming in choking green by the pound

[Frayser Boy]
I'm rolling with the Three 6 let em peep this
Make the heat spit Leave em speechless
You don't won't no beef trick
If its ana that you want ana what you get
Frayser Boy catch me in that bay and don't you forget
Reppin where you comming from
Make you duck and run
Heckteck when them bullits come
They miss you then you lucky son
All I do is Raise our thug
Know we gon be click tight
Aint no understandin when we come
Best to get right boy

I'm from that Dallas Tx Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Bay Area
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Denver Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Oklahoma City
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Albsany Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Gary Indiana
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Indianapolis Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Milwalkee Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from

[Cruncky Black]
I deep in in I represent It [east side hoe]
For yall hataz that hate to get with me
Yal dont want ot go to war now
Yall dont want to go against hypnotize now
We been taking care of our fucking buisness
So your hoes might as well get wicked
If you want to swing them thangs then hit me
Got them hypnotize soldiers with me

[Lord Infamas]
In case you havent heard we won the championship
And if you say three six aint it you will get smacked in the lip
Now don't nothin stop Infamous from getting stoned
For the rest of the days I take this dro to the dome
Know that your jumpin all around if your bumping this
World domination couse when the smoke clears
The Unbreakables will come to hit you in yo ear [in yo ear]

I'm from that Missassippi Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Carlina Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Michigan Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Caltimore Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Kentucky Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Minnesota Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that California Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Arizona Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that St Luis Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Orlando
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Lil Rock Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that New Orleans Hoe
Who gives a fuck where you from
I'm from that Houston Bitch
Who gives a fuck where you from

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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DJ Kayslay is a performer. Their discography includes Streetsweeper 1, Streetsweeper 2: The Pain From the Game, More Than Just A DJ, 74 Minutes of Drama and Mixtape Maniac.

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