Aesop Rock

Paroles Aggressive steven Aesop Rock


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Aggressive steven

Got home one morning maybe 10 o'clock
Grabbed a coffee, ran into my friend outside the hair salon
She said, she on her break, can she come up and roll a jay?
We'll say her name is Abby, though Abby is not her name
OK, scan the FOB talking neighborhood goss'
Elevator to a maze, it snake around to my spot
Before the key hit the lock, she was asking me "Is that yours?"
Beside the door a navy button down balled up on the floor
Weird, I take a knee on some "I do have one like it, but no"
And pick it up slow to reveal a few other items
Abigail like "Oh that is certainly a tweaker's pile of stuff,"
A realization that demand a weaker tea inside my cup
White noise hummin' in my ear to the wood
I hear the bath water running something is clearly afoot
Someone is clearly inside, I look at Abby like "I'm going in
Maybe you should stay here", she said, "No, I'm in." Holy shit

Be cautious... keep calm
Sneak the door open the apartment is tossed
Everything everywhere all at once, all the faucets are on
Let's draw the room so you can better picture all that befalls
I got this loft that when you walk in the ceiling is pretty normal
Then a dozen feet later it's 20 feet of beams and mortar
I inch in far enough to peak around that first corner
No sign of life in the bathroom only debris and disorder
We baby stepping 7 feet in, where the kitchen begin
Records and books in the sink, the condition start to sink in
Another few to that Rubicon where the pad opens up
To see the answer to my questions in the rafters above
There is a man with no shirt on wearing his pants around his ankles
Jungle gym-ing over both us, I mean we are talking angles
He's mumbling incoherently, there's something in his system
I'm processing but need to make decisions, OK let's go
"Hey! You need to down right now"
Abby yelling "get the fuck down and get out!"
He's on a different planet, drifting to a distant moon
I'm pretty sure he don't even know we are in the room

Hey, you need to get down right now, get the fuck down and get out
You need to get down right, get the fuck down and get out
Hey, you need to get down right now, get the fuck down and get out
Get the fuck down and get out, get the fuck down and get out

This isn't working, the energy is berserk
And we're backing up to the hallway, then down to the office nervous
"Yea hi... so there's a naked guy in my ceiling"
The staff look up at me tripping like "Oh my God, is it Steven?!"
Uh... who the fuck is fucking Steven?
Y'all seem to know some shit I don't, I ain't exactly meet him
The manager on some he and this building have got some history
We'll attempt to go and talk and him down, but also called the city
30 go by, when the elevator ding
And drop a trio in the lobby and heaven and nature sing
It's the manager and super with a man in my Nikes
Oh that's my leather too, ejected, but goddamn he look nice
Steven is glum and despondent, wafting a brutal bouquet
They sit him down on the sofa, he look confused and ashamed
But if I'm honest also looks like he could pull out a blade
That's when 2 officers show up and all is fully explained

OK the police are with Steven to see if he's even lucid
I'm on the other side of the lobby completely stupid
The super and the manager finally get a sec
To offer some backstory 'bout this morning's events
They tell me Steven suffers from mental illness and drug addiction
His episodes have kept him in and out the shelter system
Some lady in the building use to give him her couch
But his condition led to far too many issues to count
He's even scaled up the building before and jimmied inside
And been aggressive with the tenants like infinity times
He not permitted on the premises, but this is your life
That's when the officer invited me to give him my side
I said, "Well, first of all I ain't the one that called
But also we're like a meter from the player involved
I can brief you on the basics if the aim is resolve
But I ain't trying to agitate him if I say something wrong
How bout we move 10 feet around the corner to talk?"
He said, "I can't leave my partner alone with someone this gone"
OK uh... seems fast to be at an impasse
Then he pulled the pen and paper out, and this is what he ask

"Do you wanna be the victim?"
"What? No, I didn't want it. I'm not sure what you want"
"Do you want to be the victim?"
"Oh... you're doing a script

Over communing 'bout the nuance of a human at risk
How 'bout we skip to where you tell me what the future can hold?"
He said, "A felony B&E and whatever he stole
We'd take him down to the jail and they'd put him back on the street
They just just ain't got the kinda resources a Steven would need"
I said, "He doesn't need a felony he doesn't need a cell
There's gotta be a way to get him headed for some help."
He said, "Programs exist but none of them work
It's either charge him with the crime or feed him back to the earth."
That's the bleakest shit I ever heard
I don't even have the words
I'm 'bout to run to see what evil was done
I guess the jacket was a gift but he can leave in the dunks
Upstairs sucked, the cat's doing fine, the rest is just stuff
I just seen Steven eating lunch

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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