Aesop Rock

Paroles Prosperity Aesop Rock



Sulking and bulking a half
sulking a laugh crash test
figure the mixtures digging up his last breath
grief leaf thief briefly turned chieftan
the tapwaters on the waters off the waters leaking
so this is blue
my frame reportedly spotted garden variety burners and lost to normalcy
my terms the memoir obligation in the boodoir crystalize impurities to zero on the
autograph dirty characters sponges hunches hurling murder abundant lunches with the
city suppers punching (hurdling) tomorrow since I sit in consquence merging brings to
bubble up along the edges of precious child fantasy broken hi, my name is hazardous
tobaccanist im on the brink im purgin dirt and spit my lung in the sink as for the
product well its drenched in a barren backward wasteland of shimmering moral tension
and venturing the plaza pleasant i saw it all from pixie dust to crepid pins and
voodoo dolls and 99 dreams later the shooting gallery wall its like not a wave crash
similar to last or next heckle me not already doctored by regrets gray rain
beligerant fragments bomb acid ushering the pixels till the image burned classic
bliss in a barrel and motivation in a basket ima cast it out to sea and wait for my
comma to grasp it I left my crutch over the rainbow with my riches and I know the rat
race of the bad taste once his grimmace cringes an iron butterfly will float if given
good condition but im still fisihing the same worm from the same faulty posistion
im tryin to walk alone and miss the bliss inide the accidental meeting of the pencil
and the ceiling and the censures started meeting breathing at a rappid calibur at
that a line so gray will last forever more dusting off the dreams to be an autopilot
still a silent understudy funny how the opposite will throttle and the different
stroke and model to the prison is innacurate portrayal of an addequate betrayal of a
wish gonna wanna coulda shoulda woulda did it isnt it amusing choosing and a plan of
cybernating waiting till the mating means of motivation took a fine posistion dishing
only after every little kiddy has performed I just wanna be a general he said I just
wanna I just wanna I just wanna be a general he said I just wanna sleep yo what a
long capitol crust gallop my charriot burning and aweful enigma sprung by the sling
of david appears gutterbug batch prior to hatch dismiss it as a soul condensing
excuse to decorate maps with thumb tacks this gold star product pushing hate boogie
themes enter the smoke screen blazing saddle remnants alive analyze pensive connect
all picket fences like chain gangs linked digging trenches to candy land image
factory sold ah I wanna be an astronaut I got the merits and heart and I bought a
starship with hard earned money from one hour selling dreams to dummies when they
raise the lights ja ja ja jesus christ ive never seen so many goblins in my life (oh
my lord) vibrate through the fog and then some dragging bent circuits on a short
leash like organ grinder primates dancing for bread crumbs well did you touch that
slugger banging on the table with an old tin cup thin luck I can raise the dead when
the shark settlers fled the place brung out they bed of nails to spread the sails
racing for milk and bread but I got big big plans i ride a big boat with a big ol
motor and I aint really that big on helping you turn your leaf over (lets sing) bring
out your dead a quarter pile sky high (lets see) what if your miserable saw the plant
fly by my name is try to deny magnificent doom craft my records so built and ima show
you why this globe tilts
take me where the air is clear i dont really know where but I know its not here and
every little step she takes makes me speak cause I know ill never have to sleep alone again
take me where the...

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