Aesop Rock

Paroles Winners take all Aesop Rock


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Winners take all

[Verse 1]
Parachute ratty, one bunk cord now the air is scooped badly
Dripping out the sticks like a twig-tweed hammock
Miter cut the cables for that quick, clean transit
Miser took the big screen; Panic made a business card
Ankle out of whack, painkiller tobacco scrap
We navigate the yellow corn hype for the barn
When the spotlight swiveled hard right over the farm
Post up, 3 cheers for the gimp
Spread thank you (3 on the right)
Limp to the door, splint what he mangles (3 on the left)
Yea I knew the percentages
But the numbers were unaware of the grand finale's emphasis
And over the scent of a thousand dead dogs
Agent ?Zip-Zooka? swore to pull it off, GAMEFACE
Walkie-talkies squawking up his hip regarding paratroopers: 20 (Ha!)
Tug ??a noise/annoys?? box-trigger reporting for hunting

I have landed safely
I have not recieved my papers
I have zero natural enemies
I don't know my location
I have no training in reconnaissance, combat or colluding
I'm calling for my orders, over

[Verse 2]
??? up in a killer horse, numb and bloodthirsty
'Till the uncle spitter beg the pig to hug mercy (Ha!)
240-below shit, kickers tickle the corpses (duck!)
Duck the widow-maker, also manufactures swords (ok...)
Manufactures ornaments, if it moves stick a fork in it
Winners take all, killers rape all coordinates
Unfortunately, courted by the most tenacious gaurdian
Whose aimless nature bait a holler ???? taste the martyr's skin
No ?'semper-fide?? (Nope), no saluter units
Soldier the fire is more flesh than sulfer
And when the automatic-jitters wiggle the ribs
I feel so alive it don't matter which bitches litter is clipped (Bang!)
Sun down, goggle up; canteen gobble-juice
Teargas nozzle up, brain buff hostile youth
Chop it up, lock a noose upon it
You will die for the glory of...
Shit, I can't put my finger on it
But it's big! Big and legitimate
Justify women and kiddie killer shit, iller it builds
So he is not a natural predator, but can dismantle an AK-47
Clean and rebuild before you can mayday bretheren (Mayday!)
Muddy-gut snake eyes, she approaches cobras with an ugly muck
And bloody Bowie knife clamped in the canines
Wake 'em with that blind military mechanism set to bludgeon

I have landed safely
I have not recieved my papers
I have zero natural enemies
I don't know my location
I have no training in reconnaissance, combat or colluding
I'm calling for my orders, over
I was standing at attention with a pocket full of weapons
And the will to walk a mile in the same fatigues that I slept in
I have yet to find a day in life worthy of my saluting
I'm calling for my orders, over

[Verse 3]
I shimmy up out of the fox
Hold the sword of the only after having logged every cadaver accordingly
High scores keep our Tama-tongs enthralled
(There is no course iller than no course at all)
Okay, if his perspective is smirked, sneaky detective work is aborted
And it's no longer whisper-mode on the red alert
No bed of dirt 'n' sniper rifle peeking out the bunker (uh!)
Now I'm set in city looking for something to puncture [gunshot]
Help me up, the numbers of the heroes sat at suppers
Treat the public like a tin can, riddled before it plummets (Brrrap!)
But, adrenaline can lead to lazy-eye hassles
So he list the little boy into the ??pin-up pineapple?? (Heh)
Thats funny...
Bumps into the steel-toe
Thats lovely, sum it up in (Oh, hell no!)
And just as fast as the parachute cable snipped
I was rag-doll, horizontal, two limbs short of fixed
Link a baby pulled around the standard issued weaponry
While fading as a blemish in civility's memory
They will step over the body for the looting..
(Ready on the far end line)
(The fuck is that?)

I have landed safely
I have not recieved my papers
I have zero natural enemies
I don't know my location
I have no training in reconnaissance, combat or colluding
I'm calling for my orders, over
I was standing at attention with a pocket full of weapons
And the will to walk a mile in the same fatigues that I slept in
I have yet to find a day in life worthy of my saluting
I'm calling for my orders, over

Merci parce que vous corrigez ce texte

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